Audience research - Video.

What is your favourite 90’s song?
1)      Don’t speak – no doubt.
2)      My favourite song is no scrubs, I don’t know who it’s by but yeah I love that song.

The answers given in this question indicate that my audience love the pop hits of the late 90’s and early 00’s. This means that I will create my magazine to appeal to the pop audience of the 90’s and ensure that the magazine covers the best pop mainstream, nostalgic music.

If you had £50, what would you choose to spend it on?
1)      I’d probably say some new clothes if I can you know or some nice new jewellery like chokers, yeah. Some decent ones.
2)      I would probably spend it on a really cheap like, Ryanair flight to a different country. I’m all about travelling and going different places and I feel like £50 could buy me a really cheap flight somewhere.

Since my respondents were going to spend their money on clothes and flights, this shows that they were not as interested in technology as they are in new experiences. One respondent said they’d buy new clothes suggesting they’re into fashion so I will attempt to put in as many fashion and beauty articles as I can in the magazine. I will also do pages reminiscing on past fashions as well as the revival of the 90’s style pages. The second respondent said they love travelling, so I may do pages dedicated to new places and things that the audience may have not heard of before.

You now have an unlimited supply of magazines, which do you buy and what do you expect from it?
1)      Well for the magazines themselves, I’d love to just see loads of really good pictures. I’m really into like decent photography and like the fashion images. As far as the content goes, I’d love to see loads of interviews and just gossip about celebrities.
2)      I generally don’t buy magazines, I look at most of the content on the internet but if I was going to have an unlimited supply so I could look at all the photography content as well like fun, expensive things you couldn’t buy or ever afford would be really cool to look at, bags and shoes and things. 

Both respondents said that they love the photography within the magazine, so I will put lots of high quality photography in my magazine. Again, my respondent said they enjoy the fashion aspects, showing that I should definitely put many fashion pages in my magazine. One respondent also said that ‘fun, expensive things they couldn’t afford would be cool to look at’. For this reason I may insert a page for the more expensive end of the 90’s. I could incorporate fashion in this as it could show expensive 90’s revival bags that are higher end, also, clothing and 90’s inspired things that are expensive will also be shown. Also, one respondent said they read lots of their content online, supporting the idea that I should employ a QR code to create an interactive platform and online content.

What comes to mind when you think of the 90’s?
1)      Justine Littlewood. Just her fashion you know, she has the tattoo choker thing going on. The trainers, the jeans, the velvet, that whole look. I also think of really shiny lip gloss.
2)      I think of really cringey 90’s movies like the craft and cringey TV shows like freaks and geeks. I’m really into that sort of fashion and style. Friends, also straight haircuts and low rise jeans come to mind also.
As both respondents stated, pop culture within the 90’s such as Friends are easily identifiable as well as iconic fashion choices. This shows me that my magazine needs to have many articles and pages dedicated to the pop culture side of the 90’s, the things that really defined the age.

What colours do you associate with the 90’s?
1)      Definitely a lot of colour and madness I would say
2)      Anything really bright like red, orange, greens I would say, bright patterns and things.
My respondents suggest bright colours are key to the nostalgia, for this reason I will be dressing my characters in bright clothing and making my fonts colourful, really linking it to the decade. ‘


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